Why You Should Stay with Your Partner
Relationships can be hard and there are different reasons that couples choose to stay in their relationships even when things are hard. This could be that they get excited each time they see their partner, or they have the strongest sexual chemistry. If you feel that these are reasons that you should stay in your relationship, its important to find out if you’re in it for the right reason.
Why You Should Stay with Your Partner
If you wonder if you should stay in your relationship or not, you need to figure out if your relationship is worth it. No relationship is going to be perfect and there will be ups and downs here and there. Asking yourself if you should stay with your partner or not doesn’t mean that things aren’t able to be salvaged.
Of course, you could be in your relationship for the wrong reasons, and you might be with them because they are hot or because the sex is good but there are many good reasons to stay in your relationship. Couples that are looking at all the problems in their relationship might focus more on the problem than focusing on why to stay.
Couples that are thinking of ending their relationship means that you need to look deeply at the reasons to stay. Make sure that you aren’t taking each other for granted. Here are some of the best reasons to stay in your relationship.
- You Have Mutual Respect for Each Other
If you and your partner respect each other then this can be a good reason to stay with each other. When there is no respect, the relationship can be wrong, and it can lead to a lot of emotional problems. Partners that both have different personalities, but they are able to work well together will complement each other and they make good partners.
Those that don’t respect each other will never listen to their partner and so they will often have a lack of communication that will cause one or the other to feel manipulated, abused, or belittled.
- Strong Emotional Intimacy
One of the best things in a relationship is having emotional intimacy. You might be able to have the best sex in the world but if you don’t have the intimacy that you need then chances are the relationship won’t work.
Do you both support each other emotionally? If you want to know if you should stay with your partner, look at your emotional intimacy. Do you feel what your partner is feeling, and you feel emotionally connected? This is a good thing.
- Sharing Goals and Future Plans
Having the same goals and future plans in life is a huge reason to stay with your partner. When you and your partner want the same things in life, chances are there will be a great relationship. If there isn’t shared goals and future plans, chances are it will lead to conflict. This happens when one has a goal for the relationship, but the other doesn’t share the vision.
Maybe one of you want to have children or buy a house soon but the other is dragging their feet. Your partner might be someone that has different plans. This can leave you feeling stressed and insecure in your relationship, and it might be harder to stay.
- Strong Communication
Do you feel that you can talk to your partner about anything, and they won’t put you down or judge you? Having strong communication is one of the best things that can happen in any relationship. If you have an easy time talking to your partner, you can work through anything.
Having good communication is a great reason to stay with your partner because they will become your best friend, and this will cause your love to be stronger.
- You Are Compatible with Them
You shouldn’t stay in a relationship because you like some of the same things that your partner does but if you find that you are compatible in most areas, this is a good reason to stay in your relationship. You might be able to laugh at the inside jokes, to love the same things and you trust your partner more than anyone. This shows compatibility and is important in any relationship.
- Emotional Security
One of the best reasons to stay in your relationship is that you feel secure in your emotions around your partner. This means that you are able to share your emotions with them and you will not feel tired and scared to share what you’re feeling. Having balance with your partner will lead you to peace and not chaos.
When you and your partner are both emotionally mature, you will trust each other, and you won’t judge each other. You will have the security that you need that leads to empathy, support, and trust.
- You Are Individuals
Instead of just being a couple, you are both able to be individuals. Being in this kind of positive relationship means that you’re able to be the best that you can be. You can then reach your own goals while reaching your goals together.
Do you have a partner that supports your goals and wants you to be the best that you can be? This is the kind of relationship to stay in.
- Mutual Trust
Having trust with your partner is something that can be hard sometimes. If you are someone that had a traumatic childhood, you might not be able to trust as easily as other people are. If you have a partner that you can trust with your whole heart, this is a great reason to stay.
Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship and if there is a lack of trust or any kind of cheating, staying in the relationship might not be a good idea.
- You Just Like Them
Maybe you just like your partner, and you love their quirks and their personality. You might love how they do silly things like snorting when they laugh at your jokes or how they know useless information. They might impress you with their smartness or with the kindness that they show you.
Having a happy relationship makes things better in your life. If you like your partner and their personality, then chances are you should stay with them. You will see that if you like each other then you will be able to set the right kinds of goals and you will be more compatible with them.
- You Support Each Other
If you want to know if you should stay with your partner, figure out if they support you and if you support them. When you make a mistake, do they put you down or are they there to help you? Do they support you or belittle you?
When you have a partner that supports you and treats you right, staying is a great idea. They should support you in your decisions and they should be there when you mess up.
- Empathy in the Relationship
When you can understand what your partner is feeling and you care for them, this is a good reason to be in a relationship with them. They will show you empathy and you will show them empathy, and this means that you can empathize with them and care about what they are thinking and feeling.
Wondering if you should stay in the relationship means that you should look at how you relate with your partner. If they support, you or take care of you then you should look at how they make you feel.
- The Ego Stays Gone
Sharing the same things and having common goals is a great thing but if your partner lets their ego go and they are caring about your relationship then you will be in a healthy place with them.
Does your partner throw a fit each time you do things they don’t like? If so, you might consider being in a different relationship.
- You Fight Fairly
Each time you have an argument with your partner, notice if they fight fairly or not. You should be able to have healthy arguments without hurting your partner and vice versa. If they say things that are mean or they put you down each time you fight, this is unhealthy and not a good relationship.
You both should make an effort to fight fairly and to discuss the problems without putting each other down.
- They Validate You
Does your partner validate you when you talk and about how you feel? Do they smile at you and show you that you’re important? Having someone validate you is a good reason to stay in a relationship.
- You Are Satisfied
Being satisfied in your relationship means that you are happy and that you are honest with each other. You should be happy in your relationships, and you should feel that your life is good when you’re with them.
If you feel secure and you feel that your partner is committed to you, you will feel safe and will know that your partner isn’t going to hurt you or cheat on you.
Final Thoughts
If your partner has cheated on you and you wonder if you should stay, the first thing that you need to do is to find out why this happened. Find out if the relationship is happy or if there are things that you’re missing that is causing your relationship to fall apart.
Your relationship should be happy, and you should feel satisfied. If the relationship hurts you in your mind or your body, consider ending it. You should never stay if there is abuse and you should also see if you are lacking trust, empathy, love, support, and other important things.
Don’t stay in your relationship just because you’ve put a lot of time into it or because you are worried that you will hurt them. Be in a relationship that leaves you feeling good and allows you to feel strong and validated.